
Xosé Manuel Sánchez Rei


Xosé Manuel Sánchez Rei (born in A Coruña, 1973) is a Senior Lecturer at the University of A Coruña in the Galician and Portuguese Studies. His field of study is the grammar of the Galician language and contemporary Galician literary language. On these topics, he published several works in national and international specialized journals, such as Cadernos de Lingua, Diacrítica-Ciências da Linguagem, Madrygal, Revista de Letras, Revista Galega de Filoloxía, Revue Romane, Verba, etc. He also published several books; the most important of them are Se o vós por ben teverdes. A interpolación pronominal en galego (1999, Carvalho Calero Award in 1998 for Linguistic Research), O fidalgo e o teatro. Tres textos dramáticos de Ramón Otero Pedrayo (1999), Os pronomes demostrativos: do latín ao galego contemporáneo (2002), A lingua literaria galega decimonónica (2005, with other authors), A lingua galega no cancioneiro de Pérez Ballesteros (2006, finalist of the Galician Critics' awards), O complemento preposicional en galego (2010), Lingua galega e variación dialectal (2011), Novas perspetivas linguísticas no espaço galego-português (2015, with other authors),As Ciências da Linguagem no espaço galego-português (2016, with other authors), O falar das fadas. Lingua, música e toponimia da Galiza (2016), Cantar na Coruña. Cancioneiro coruñés dos séculos XVIII e XIX (December 2017; reprinted March 2018), Estudos atuais de linguística galego-portuguesa (2019, with other authors), etc. He is also the translator for the Galician language of Curso de Lingüística Xeral, by Ferdinand de Saussure (2005).

  • Publications
  • Projects
  • Theses