
Isaac Lourido Hermida

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Isaac Lourido obtained a Degree in Spanish (2004) and a Degree in Galician (2007) at the University of Santiago de Compostela,  and a PhD in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (2011) at the same university.

He held research scholarships at Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades and at Consello da Cultura Galega. After teaching and researching at the Department of Spanish Literature, Literary Theory and General Linguistics of the University of Santiago de Compostela, and after being an assistant teacher at the Center of Galician Studies at the Nova University Lisbon, he is currently an Associate Lecturer at the Department of Language and Literature at the University of a Coruña.

His research areas comprise Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, as well as Theory and Methodology of Literary History, Systemic Methodologies and Sociology of Literature. His current research interests are conflict processes and the conformation of identities within the literary and sociocultural realms, and namely poetry as a tool for social intervention. Some of his most remarkable publications are the books História literária e conflito cultura. Bases para umha história sistémica da literatura na Galiza (2014) –winner of the 20th Carvalho Calero Award of Linguistic and Literary Research–, Livros que nom lê ninguém. Poesia, movimentos sociais e antagonismo político na Galiza (2014), La poesía actual en el espacio público (2015), co-edited with Alba Cid, and Non-Lyric Discourses in Contemporary Poetry (2012), co-edited with Burghard Baltrusch. Also, he has published articles in journals such as DornaAgália, Galerna or Galicia 21: Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies, among others, as well as several contributions to collective works.

He has been a member of several research projects focused on literary history and contemporary poetry, among which he lead the project A traxectoria intelectual de Xosé Rubia Barcia, funded by the Provincial Government of A Coruña.

He has participated in multiple conferences, while he has also been an organiser of the events I Congreso Internacional sobre Discursos Non Líricos na Poesía Contemporánea: Espazos, Suxeitos, Medialidade at the University of Vigo (2011) and II Simposio Internacional Poetics of Resistance: Prácticas, Repertorios, Estratexias at the University of Santiago de Compostela (2009).

He made part of the educational innovation Project “Apoio virtual e autoaprendizaxe na materia troncal Teoría da literatura” at the University of Santiago de Compostela, and he is currently a member of the Educational Innovation in Galician Literature Group at the University of A Coruña.

  • Publications
  • Projects
  • Theses
  • Other merits