
Xosé Ramón Freixeiro Mato


Xosé Ramón Freixeiro Mato holds degrees in Romance Philology (1977) and in Galician-Portuguese Philology (1983) from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Professor of Galician and Portuguese Philology at the Faculty of Philology of the University of A Coruña, his main lines of research are Galician grammar and textual linguistics (with four volumes published in the period 1998-2003 and republished in 2006), literary language and stylistics (with preferential attention to authors such as Antonio Noriega Varela, Rafael Dieste, Manuel García Barros, Sebastián Martínez-Risco or Manuel María) and the external history of language, sociolinguistics and linguistic quality (with works such as Lingua galega: normalidade e conflito, 5th ed. in 2002, Lingua, nación e identidade, 2006, or Lingua de calidade, 2009).

He has twice received the Ánxel Fole Prize, the first for Da montaña o corazón (Produción literaria e lingua en Noriega Varela) (1993) and the second for Cucou o cuco cuqueiro. Lingua e estilo na obra de Manuel María (2007). His monograph Os marcadores discursivos. Conectores contraargumentativos no galego escrito (2005) won the Critics' Award in the Research category in 2006, as did Estilística da Lingua Galega (2013) in 2014.

He was the director of the Revista Galega de Filoloxía, published by the Galician and Portuguese Philology Department of UDC, from January 2005 to May 2015.

  • Publications
  • Projects
  • Theses