
A man que caligrafando pensa (Do plástico-escritural e da manuscrita novoneyriana)


Martínez Pereiro, Carlos Paulo

Research lines

Literature and visual arts




Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade da Coruña

Date of publishment


Number of pages



In A man que caligrafando pensa, Carlos Paulo Martínez Pereiro reflects on the visual poetry and calligraphic art of the poet, Uxío Novoneyra.

The essay offers a contextualised analysis of the general relationship between visual and written arts in both western and eastern cultures, and the more specific case of the calligraphic poetry art creations of the Courel writer, Uxío Novoneyra.

Martínez Pereiro’s analysis traces the different manifestations and evolution of visual poetry and calligraphic art over time, focusing in particular on work by authors and artists from Brazil, Portugal and Galicia. The final section of the essay homes in on the figure of Uxío Novoneyra and his immense body of gestural poetry, to examine the simultaneous visual and literary influences on and results of the poet’s work.