
Reviving Theatrical Heritage in Galicia (1880-1923)

Reference number
Funding body
Secretaría de Estado de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant amount
€ 12200 (total)
Period of funding
01-01-2010 / 31-12-2012
Principal Researcher

The objective of this research is to revive and publish Galician theatrical works from the period 1880-1923 that made it onto the stage but never into publication, or which were only ever published in periodicals (sometimes in serial form). The aim of the project is to demonstrate the cultural heritage value of a collection of texts unknown even to most specialists, and make them available to readers before all trace of the work is lost. New critical editions of the plays will include an introductory essay analysing the text itself and the historical and cultural context of its creation, to reassess and enhance our understanding of the history of the theatre in Galicia.

Publications and outcomes

  • Books
  • Book Chapters
  • Conferences
  • Journals
Ogando, Iolanda / Tato Fontaíña, Laura (eds.), Textos recuperados. De Galo Salinas a Castelao, A Coruña, Biblioteca-Arquivo Teatral Francisco Pillado Mayor, 2012, 291 pp. [ISBN 978-84-9749-533-2].
Biscainho-Fernandes, Carlos-Caetano (ed.), Leandro Carré. Teatro recuperado: O pago, O engano, Un caso compricado, A Coruña, Biblioteca - Arquivo Teatral "Francisco Pillado Mayor", 2011, 241 pp. [ISBN 978-84-9746-492-2].